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projects - Fruit, Veg­eta­bles & Food In­gre­di­ents

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Tekenwerk bij een chemieconcern Dapp

Te­ken­werk bij een che­mie­con­cern

Sep­tem­ber 2021

Dapp heeft voor een che­mie­con­cern in de Be­tu­we ge­du­ren­de een lange pe­ri­o­de ge­hol­pen met het ver­zor­gen van het te­ken­werk van een van de pro­duc­tie plants. Hier­bij ging het voor­al om het in het veld na­lo­pen van in­stal­la­ties en het hier­bij op­stel­len van P&ID's (Pi­ping and In­stru­men­ta­ti­on Dia­grams) in het ge­vraag­de pak­ket Au­to­CAD Plant 3D (een ge­spe­ci­a­li­seer­de ver­sie van Au­to­CAD). Door­dat de pro­fes­si­o­nal van Dapp zelf­stan­dig aan de slag kon en ken­nis had van zowel P&ID's als het te­ken­pro­gram­ma is dit voor een klant een zeer waar­de­vol­le sa­men­wer­king ge­ble­ken die tot op heden loopt. De sa­men­wer­king met de klant heeft ge­leid tot te­ke­nin­gen die extra in­zicht bij het uit­wer­ken van pro­jec­ten en hel­der­heid voor de ope­ra­tors geven. Re­gel­ma­tig wor­den door Dapp wij­zi­gin­gen aan­ge­bracht aan de op­ge­stel­de te­ke­nin­gen en wor­den bij­voor­beeld ook pro­ject en sloop P&ID's ge­maakt.

Fruit, Veg­eta­bles & Food In­gre­di­ents

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Optimization production lines potato products Dapp

Op­ti­miza­tion pro­duc­tion lines pota­to prod­ucts

A spe­cial­ist in fresh and cooled pota­to prod­ucts wants to op­ti­mize its small pack­ag­ing de­part­ment. It is the first time that he wants to hire an ex­ter­nal project man­ag­er and after a search he ends up at Dapp, be­cause we com­bine sub­stan­tive knowl­edge with knowl­edge of project man­age­ment. Dapp is given the as­sign­ment to op­ti­mize the small pack­ag­ing de­part­ment with a new set-up for the pro­duc­tion, as well as the tech­ni­cal ad­just­ment and/or re­new­al of the pro­duc­tion lines. In ad­di­tion, the lo­gis­tics flows must be adapt­ed and the ex­ist­ing fac­to­ry space ren­o­vat­ed. Our ex­pe­ri­enced project man­ag­er, who has al­ready suc­cess­ful­ly com­plet­ed many food projects, su­per­vis­es the en­tire project. It is a chal­leng­ing job in which the pro­duc­tion process con­tin­ues to run con­tin­u­ous­ly. For the suc­cess of the en­tire project, co­or­di­na­tion be­tween all par­ties in­volved, both the in­ter­nal or­ga­ni­za­tion and the ex­ter­nal par­ties, is there­fore of great im­por­tance. Our project man­ag­er man­ages to suc­cess­ful­ly com­plete the project in six months with a com­mit­ment of a few days a week. The spe­cial­ist in pota­to prod­ucts is ex­treme­ly sat­is­fied with Dapp's ex­ter­nal project man­ag­er and it was an ex­cel­lent op­por­tu­ni­ty for us to show that we can also take on this role suc­cess­ful­ly. Fruit, Veg­eta­bles & Food In­gre­di­ents
Realization State-of-the-Art Insect Ingredient Factory Dapp

Re­al­iza­tion State-of-the-Art In­sect In­gre­di­ent Fac­to­ry

The term 'novel foods' is in­creas­ing­ly being used in the food in­dus­try. Novel foods are 'new' foods and in­gre­di­ents that have never been sold as food­stuffs be­fore in the Eu­ro­pean Union. A good ex­am­ple is the 'in­sects' group, a new pro­tein for which the mar­ket is slow­ly but sure­ly open­ing up. A cus­tomer who is ac­tive in the pro­duc­tion of sus­tain­able and high-qual­i­ty in­sects ap­proach­es us with the as­sign­ment to scale up the pro­duc­tion ca­pac­i­ty of a cer­tain type of in­sect in par­tic­u­lar by re­al­iz­ing a new fac­to­ry. DAPP project man­ag­er Den­nis Bei­jaard, busi­ness ad­min­is­tra­tor and ex­pert in lo­gis­tics and sup­ply chain man­age­ment, leads the en­tire project.  Our client pro­duces grasshop­pers, meal­worms and crick­ets and has decades of knowl­edge and ex­pe­ri­ence in the pro­duc­tion of in­sects. This pro­duc­er is on the eve of an in­creas­ing de­mand and in­structs us to re­al­ize the pro­duc­tion scale in­crease and to man­age the whole process. Our client's am­bi­tion is to build a fully au­to­mat­ed state-of-the-art novel foods fac­to­ry. A fac­to­ry with a large-scale pro­duc­tion that can re­spond to the in­creas­ing de­mand for novel food in­gre­di­ents. Den­nis Bei­jaard works to­geth­er with im­por­tant stake­hold­ers such as the Re­search & De­vel­op­ment, but also with uni­ver­si­ties and re­search cen­ters. The am­bi­tious and in­no­va­tive project is cur­rent­ly in full swing. Fruit, Veg­eta­bles & Food In­gre­di­ents
Project leader Operational Excellence at large Dutch vegetable cutter Dapp

Project lead­er Op­er­a­tional Ex­cel­lence at large Dutch veg­etable cut­ter

In Jan­u­ary 2018, DAPP was able to sup­ply a project em­ploy­ee to a large lead­ing fruit and veg­etable pro­cess­ing com­pa­ny. Our pro­fes­sion­al had worked in many dif­fer­ent po­si­tions in his ca­reer. Think of process tech­nol­o­gist, val­i­da­tion en­gi­neer, plant man­ag­er and tech­ni­cal man­ag­er. The com­mon thing about all these func­tions was that they were with­out ex­cep­tion as­sign­ments in the world of the food in­dus­try. With all his ex­pe­ri­ence, our can­di­date was the per­fect match to an ap­pli­ca­tion that DAPP re­ceived at the end of De­cem­ber 2017. He was placed in the Op­er­a­tional Ex­cel­lence de­part­ment of the fresh veg­etable cut­ting plant. The projects that run through this de­part­ment are most­ly OPEC in na­ture and aimed at achiev­ing ef­fi­cien­cy. Our DAPP man was im­me­di­ate­ly de­ployed in a project that was ini­ti­at­ed by a dis­grun­tled in­ter­nal cus­tomer. He wasn't happy with the size of the chopped veg­eta­bles. That had to be ar­ranged dif­fer­ent­ly. Our project lead­er start­ed his as­sign­ment with a thor­ough in­ves­ti­ga­tion into the vari­a­tions that were present in the line. What are the but­tons that you can or must turn to get the end prod­uct that the con­sumer is wait­ing for? What vari­a­tions are there and to what ex­tent did they in­flu­ence? He car­ried out this as­sign­ment large­ly in­de­pen­dent­ly, where­by the in­ter­vi­sion ses­sions with the team lead­er of the veg­etable line were guid­ing. The re­sult of the re­search was twofold: There are many fac­tors that in­flu­ence the cut­ting process and thus made the size of the prod­uct un­pre­dictable and there were also un­in­flu­enced pur­chas­ing spec­i­fi­ca­tions. Based on this ob­ser­va­tion, a pro­pos­al was made to build a sort­ing de­vice at the end of the pro­duc­tion line that sorts the coarse parts from the line. The cap­tured prod­uct can be re­turned to the point prior to the cut­ting ac­tiv­i­ty so that it can then pass through the cut­ting part again. This it­er­a­tion can con­tin­ue until the prod­uct has the de­sired di­am­e­ter. As a re­sult, fail­ure of too large pieces is no longer an issue and, in prin­ci­ple, 100% of the prod­uct is pro­cessed.   Thanks to this extra sort­ing step, the veg­eta­bles can be de­liv­ered in any de­sired cut size. The client is very sat­is­fied with the cho­sen so­lu­tion and the as­so­ci­at­ed ef­fi­cien­cy im­prove­ment. Our DAPP project lead­er has start­ed work­ing for our cus­tomer after two years, and after var­i­ous other as­sign­ments. Fruit, Veg­eta­bles & Food In­gre­di­ents