Our way of working | Dapp
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Our way of work­ing

Over the years, we have found that many fac­to­ries col­lect an enor­mous amount of data which, un­for­tu­nate­ly, is not used enough. As a re­sult, a lot of use­ful in­sights are lost. A great pity, of course!

At Dapp we are con­vinced that we can be of great value in pro­vid­ing in­sight into (the move­ment in) your fac­to­ry. By an­a­lyz­ing the avail­able data, col­lect­ed by the in­ter­nal trans­port, pro­duc­tion and stor­age sys­tems, we can al­ready pro­vide a good in­sight into the un­der­ly­ing pro­cess­es in a fac­to­ry. By vi­su­al­iz­ing this data in a dash­board, for ex­am­ple, you can see all rel­e­vant in­for­ma­tion at a glance. We call the way we ap­proach projects The 5-step In­dus­tri­al En­gi­neer­ing So­lu­tion. You can read more about it below.

Our way of working 

The 5 step In­du­stri­al En­gi­nee­ring So­lu­ti­on

Dapp uses a step-by-step plan to ar­rive at a suit­able so­lu­tion in co­op­er­a­tion with the client. Dur­ing the initiation phase we make an in­ven­to­ry of the client's needs and draw up the basic prin­ci­ples. In the definition phase we de­scribe the or­ga­ni­za­tion and its pro­cess­es. In this phase we 'freeze' the scope: it will not change dur­ing the fol­low­ing phas­es. 

The design phase fo­cus­es on the de­tailed record­ing of the rel­e­vant spec­i­fi­ca­tions (think of ma­te­ri­als, au­to­ma­tion, lo­gis­tics and com­mer­cial spec­i­fi­ca­tions). We also draw up a de­tailed plan­ning, de­ter­mine the bud­get and record the rel­e­vant KPIs. In ad­di­tion, a de­tailed lay­out of the plant and, if nec­es­sary, the ter­rain is made. The bud­get and de­sign are also 'frozen' after com­ple­tion of this step. In the realization phase, we con­vert the plans from the pre­vi­ous steps into de­tails. We do this by means of project and sup­pli­er man­age­ment. The final step is the closure of the as­sign­ment. Here, the project is eval­u­at­ed and we use a check­list to de­ter­mine, to­geth­er with the cus­tomer, whether all pre­de­ter­mined ob­jec­tives have been achieved. Any sub­se­quent steps are also de­ter­mined.

Our way of working