Onze visie op fabrieken | Dapp
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Our vi­sion of fac­to­ries

Dapp was found­ed in 2009 in the mid­dle of the Be­tuwe. Since then, we look back on a beau­ti­ful and im­pres­sive ref­er­ence list of projects for small, medi­um and large com­pa­nies with­in the Dutch food in­dus­try. Cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion is what drives us, where we work with our clients to re­al­ize beau­ti­ful projects from de­sign to go-live.

Dapp stands for a team of en­gi­neers that com­bines lo­gis­ti­cal knowl­edge with prac­ti­cal ex­pe­ri­ence. We know the work­ings of fac­to­ries through and through and can there­fore offer prac­ti­cal­ly based so­lu­tions using dig­i­tal and vis­ual means, among other things. As a team, we mas­ter in­te­gral lo­gis­tics with­in fac­to­ries in com­bi­na­tion with mech­a­niza­tion and au­to­ma­tion.

We op­er­ate on a 'no-non­sense' based busi­ness phi­los­o­phy in which we come up with cre­ative and prac­ti­cal so­lu­tions with an open and di­rect com­mu­ni­ca­tion style.

Un­der­stand­ing the 'flows' in the fac­to­ry is our start­ing point. With an in­te­gral view of the total plant and based on facts, we pro­vide in­sight into the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion of the plant and iden­ti­fy pos­si­ble bot­tle­necks. We be­lieve in a thor­ough lay­out study and the trans­la­tion to im­prove­ments in the cur­rent fac­to­ry as well as the fu­ture fac­to­ry lay­out.

Onze visie op fabrieken
 Our in­te­gral vi­sion of fac­to­ries

Of im­por­tance is the de­vel­op­ment of an in­te­gral lo­gis­tics-pro­duc­tion vi­sion of the fac­to­ry based on facts, not gut feel­ings. De­vel­op­ing this con­cept first be­fore hook­ing up ar­chi­tects, con­trac­tors and other sup­pli­ers is our credo.

We work process-ori­ent­ed, i.e. prod­ucts are made in every fac­to­ry, but every fac­to­ry is unique in its kind. We un­der­stand the pro­cess­es in order to ar­rive at tar­get­ed so­lu­tions and we be­lieve in map­ping the pro­cess­es to­geth­er with your op­er­a­tional team, then pro­vid­ing them with flow data and any fi­nan­cial data. This cou­pled with your fu­ture re­quire­ments not only gives a pic­ture of the cur­rent plant and the pos­si­ble and/or nec­es­sary im­prove­ments but also gives a pic­ture of the plant in the fu­ture.

We present 'what-if' sce­nar­ios in order to cal­cu­late and vi­su­al­ize not only op­er­a­tional but also strate­gic de­ci­sion mak­ing that shows the im­pact on the total plant.

Our mis­sion is to cre­ate 'In­sight and move­ment in (fu­ture) fac­to­ries'.