Masterplanning | Dapp
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A mas­ter plan is a com­pre­hen­sive plan con­sist­ing of sev­er­al parts. A mas­ter plan de­scribes how these dif­fer­ent parts fit to­geth­er into the big­ger pic­ture. It also (often) in­cludes an in­vest­ment es­ti­mate. At a later stage, a mas­ter plan or its com­po­nents are worked out in more de­tail. 

A mas­ter plan is a rel­a­tive­ly elu­sive con­cept. It is not fixed what is de­scribed in a mas­ter plan; this is dif­fer­ent for each project. What is cer­tain is that a mas­ter plan con­sists of com­po­nents that, to a cer­tain ex­tent, im­pact other com­po­nents with­in this mas­ter plan. Imag­ine, for ex­am­ple, what a re­lo­ca­tion in­volves. Pro­duc­tion lines have to be moved, so you may have to make some ar­chi­tec­tural ad­just­ments. In ad­di­tion, you may have to re­lo­cate some util­i­ties, which will be a new com­po­nent with­in your orig­i­nal re­lo­ca­tion project.

Cu­ri­ous what Dapp can do for your com­pa­ny in the area of Fa­cil­i­ty Lay­out So­lu­tion?

Con­tact us via +31(0)345 50 52 56.


Al­ready want to know more about mas­ter­plan­ning? Above you can down­load the cor­re­spond­ing prod­uct sheet!