Simulation | Dapp
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One of the ser­vices that Dapp can pro­vide is a sim­u­la­tion. A sim­u­la­tion is a schemat­i­cal­ly cre­at­ed model that mim­ics a real-life sys­tem, and can be used to in­ves­ti­gate cer­tain fu­ture sce­nar­ios. A sim­u­la­tion is often used when test­ing cer­tain ideas in prac­tice are too cost­ly, take too much time, or are too dif­fi­cult to im­ple­ment. In this type of sit­u­a­tion, a vir­tu­al im­i­ta­tion of a sys­tem, think for ex­am­ple of a con­vey­or belt, ma­chine, or a ware­house, can pro­vide the so­lu­tion. Once a sim­u­la­tion is set up, cer­tain pa­ram­e­ters can be ad­just­ed or added to in­ves­ti­gate fu­ture sit­u­a­tions.

By first sim­u­lat­ing the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion, the re­sults of the sim­u­la­tion can be com­pared with the ac­tu­al re­sults of a sys­tem, ver­i­fy­ing that the sim­u­la­tion is re­li­able. Even in sit­u­a­tions where there is no cur­rent sys­tem, a sim­u­la­tion can pro­vide a so­lu­tion by lean­ing on the knowl­edge of the client and Dapp to­geth­er. By sim­pli­fy­ing the real-life sys­tem some­what, a sim­u­la­tion can be set up fair­ly quick­ly, but the main thing is that the sim­u­la­tion re­mains re­li­able and ac­cu­rate. The ad­van­tage of being able to adapt quick­ly is that you can brain­storm in real time about pos­si­ble so­lu­tions and im­me­di­ate­ly see the first re­sults.


An ex­am­ple of a sim­u­la­tion by Dapp is the sim­u­la­tion of a large con­vey­or belt of a cus­tomer to trans­port end prod­ucts through the en­tire fac­to­ry from back to front. Due to the com­plex­i­ty of this con­vey­or with bridges, set-up points, la­bel­ers, el­e­va­tors, pick-up points, truck fre­quen­cies and mul­ti­ple nodes, the sim­u­la­tion was a god­send to still be able to test how to solve the huge ca­pac­i­ty pres­sure of this con­vey­or with­out com­pli­cat­ed in­ter­ven­tions. The sim­u­la­tion al­lowed some op­tions to be re­li­ably worked out to bring the ca­pac­i­ty of the con­vey­or up to date with cur­rent and fu­ture pro­duc­tion. By ap­ply­ing a sim­u­la­tion, dif­fer­ent al­ter­na­tives could eas­i­ly be stud­ied in order to di­rect­ly test the ef­fect of ad­just­ments. This sim­u­la­tion led to a rel­a­tive­ly small-scale so­lu­tion that pro­vides both cur­rent and fu­ture pro­duc­tion with suf­fi­cient ca­pac­i­ty.

Vi­su­al­iza­tion tech­niques are used to com­mu­ni­cate the sim­u­la­tion in un­der­stand­able lan­guage. This can be in the form of a sim­ple time-lapse, but also in the form of graphs and his­tograms in com­bi­na­tion with a care­ful­ly com­posed pre­sen­ta­tion by one of the Dapp pro­fes­sion­als.

Cu­ri­ous what Dapp can do for your com­pa­ny in the area of sim­u­la­tion?

Con­tact us via +31(0)345 50 52 56.


Al­ready in­­ter­est­ed in how we per­form a sim­u­la­tion? Above you can down­load the cor­re­spond­ing prod­uct sheet!

Or take a look at the other en­gi­neer­ing ser­vices we offer. You can find them here.