3D-Scanning | Dapp
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3D scan­ning

The lat­est ser­vice added to our tool­box is 3D scan­ning. At Dapp we no­ticed an in­creas­ing de­mand for this ser­vice. In ad­di­tion, 3D scan­ning your lo­ca­tion has nu­mer­ous ad­van­tages, which we would like to high­light below. 

First of all, it is im­por­tant to know ex­act­ly how 3D scan­ning works. By walk­ing through your fac­to­ry with a cam­era that can ro­tate 360 de­grees and tak­ing pic­tures at every turn, the soft­ware can, due to the over­lap in the pic­tures, join them to­geth­er and make a whole. Next, the 3D scan­ner can also use in­frared to map the ge­om­e­try. The 3D model that is even­tu­al­ly de­liv­ered is then enor­mous­ly use­ful in var­i­ous sit­u­a­tions! For ex­am­ple, we can use the 3D model to cre­ate a 2D floor plan. Com­pared to man­u­al­ly mea­sur­ing ma­chine lines, for ex­am­ple, this saves a lot of time. In ad­di­tion, a 3D scan is very ac­cu­rate. The sup­pli­er of our 3D scan­ner in­di­cates that it match­es re­al­i­ty by at least 99%. Through cal­i­bra­tion mea­sure­ments, we can re­duce this mar­gin of error even fur­ther.

You can also get a lot of added value out of your scans through the var­i­ous func­tion­al­i­ties in the soft­ware pack­age. For ex­am­ple, you can give a vir­tu­al tour through your fac­to­ry, or quick­ly view cer­tain things, such as ma­chine parts or pip­ing, in de­tail with­out hav­ing to go through the en­tire fac­to­ry. Using tags that you can place in your scan, you can add ad­di­tion­al in­for­ma­tion your vir­tu­al fac­to­ry. This of­fers newly hired peo­ple, for ex­am­ple, an ac­ces­si­ble way to quick­ly be­come fa­mil­iar with your fac­to­ry. 

To get a bet­ter idea of the func­tion­al­i­ties of a 3D scan­ner, we would like to in­vite you to take a vir­tu­al tour through our of­fice. Click on the play but­ton below to walk through our of­fice.

Cu­ri­ous what Dapp can do for your com­pa­ny in the area of 3D scan­ning?

Con­tact us via +31(0)345 50 52 56.


Al­ready in­ter­est­ed in how we work with 3D scan­ning? Above you can down­load the cor­re­spond­ing prod­uct sheet!

Or take a look at the other en­gi­neer­ing ser­vices we offer. You can find them here.