Projects | Dapp
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Since the found­ing of Dapp many projects have been suc­cess­ful­ly re­al­ized. Below you will find an over­view of some in­ter­est­ing ref­er­ence projects that we have com­plet­ed.


completed projects in dairy


completed projects in fresh produce


completed projects in food & beverage


completed projects in non-food & logistics

Last pro­ject

Masterplan voor een specialiteitenfabriek in de aardappelverwerkende industrie Dapp

Mas­ter­plan voor een spe­ci­a­li­tei­ten­fa­briek in de aard­ap­pel­ver­wer­ken­de in­du­strie

Voor een markt­lei­der in de aard­ap­pel­ver­wer­ken­de in­du­strie heeft Dapp ge­hol­pen met het schrij­ven van een mas­ter­plan voor een ves­ti­ging waar de spe­ci­a­li­tei­ten en nieu­we in­no­va­ties ge­pro­du­ceerd wor­den. Na een gron­di­ge ana­ly­se van de hui­di­ge si­tu­a­tie op basis van site vi­sits, in­ter­views, brain­storms en data-ana­ly­ses zijn ver­vol­gens de wen­sen en uit­gangs­pun­ten in kaart ge­bracht. Hier­mee re­ke­ning hou­dend is er een toe­komst­proof sce­na­rio be­dacht, waar­bij ver­schil­len­de va­ri­an­ten op dit sce­na­rio de (on)mo­ge­lijk­he­den bin­nen de fa­briek ver­der de­tail­le­ren. Het sce­na­rio en de va­ri­an­ten hier­op zijn alle vi­su­eel uit­ge­werkt om ook het toe­komst­plaat­je in beeld te bren­gen en zo de klant een dui­de­lij­ke voor­stel­ling van de toe­kom­sti­ge lay-out van de site te kun­nen bie­den. 

Fruit, Veg­eta­bles & Food In­gre­di­ents

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Drawing up master plan for customer in food production Dapp

Draw­ing up mas­ter plan for cus­tomer in food pro­duc­tion

For a client in the food pro­duc­tion sec­tor in the Utrecht re­gion, Dapp helped to draw up, over­see and de­vel­op a mas­ter plan for a long pe­ri­od of time. The client in ques­tion asked Dapp to help after the fac­to­ry had be­come lo­gis­ti­cal­ly bogged down in sev­er­al areas. This man­i­fest­ed it­self in an au­to­mat­ic con­vey­or belt that be­came jammed be­cause the belt could no longer han­dle the pal­lets that were de­liv­ered, an over­crowd­ed out­side area with items that should ac­tu­al­ly be in­side, and a full ex­ter­nal stor­age area. The col­lab­o­ra­tion in­volved think­ing along in a crit­i­cal multi-year mas­ter plan that had to rem­e­dy these prob­lems. Over a pe­ri­od of sev­er­al months, Dapp was reg­u­lar­ly on-site to take stock of, study, ver­i­fy and dis­cuss mat­ters with the client. This 'data' was used, as it were, to solve lo­gis­ti­cal prob­lems in sev­er­al areas, name­ly: A sim­u­la­tion of the stalled con­vey­or al­lowed some op­tions to be re­li­ably worked out to bring the con­vey­or ca­pac­i­ty up to date with cur­rent and fu­ture pro­duc­tion. Ap­ply­ing a sim­u­la­tion made it easy to study dif­fer­ent al­ter­na­tives to di­rect­ly test the ef­fect of ad­just­ments. The sim­u­la­tion is re­li­able be­cause it can be test­ed against the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion. This sim­u­la­tion has led to a rel­a­tive­ly small-scale so­lu­tion that pro­vides both cur­rent and fu­ture pro­duc­tion with suf­fi­cient ca­pac­i­ty. An on­site study and a data anal­y­sis, com­bined with the ex­pe­ri­ence of Dapp and the client, led to a brain­storm of ideas to solve the lo­gis­ti­cal prob­lems on site, but also in the fac­to­ry. These brain­storm­ing op­tions were sub­stan­ti­at­ed and vis­ual­ly de­vel­oped by Dapp and pre­sent­ed to the client's core team. To­geth­er, a few op­tions were se­lect­ed to be worked out in greater de­tail. Some of the op­tions are being fur­ther elab­o­rat­ed to date and should be im­ple­ment­ed to ease the client's lo­gis­tics. In ad­di­tion to the above com­po­nents, Dapp also sup­port­ed the client in cre­at­ing 2D and 3D vi­su­al­iza­tions, an­a­lyz­ing and pre­sent­ing data and act­ing as a spar­ring part­ner. Food & Be­ve­r­a­ge