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Mega In­dus­tri­al Re­lo­ca­tion: Per­fect Col­lab­o­ra­tion be­tween Primeale Unit­ed, Dapp, and Yourtech

When we think of in­dus­tri­al re­lo­ca­tions, we typ­i­cal­ly imag­ine large ma­chines, ex­ten­sive pa­per­work, and maybe even a lot of headaches. The part about large ma­chines is cor­rect. But what if the process from start to fin­ish in­clud­ed smooth lo­gis­ti­cal ef­fi­cien­cy? What if ev­ery­one worked to­geth­er like a well-oiled ma­chine? That's ex­act­ly what hap­pened dur­ing a re­cent, com­plex project where Dapp, Yourtech, and Primeale Unit­ed joined forces. The re­sult was a rev­o­lu­tion in ef­fi­cien­cy.

This of­fers a unique glimpse into a project where an en­tire ma­chin­ery park was moved at Pri­me­a­le Uni­ted, a food pro­duc­er spe­cial­iz­ing in pack­aged veg­eta­bles.

Ef­fec­tive Project Plan­ning in In­dus­tri­al Re­lo­ca­tion

Dur­ing an on­line meet­ing, a pow­er­ful team as­sem­bled: John Hei­jboer and Peter van het Woudt from Pri­me­a­le Uni­ted. Rep­re­sent­ing Dapp were Den­nis Bei­jaard and his in­dus­tri­al en­gi­neers, Koen van Loon and David den Ouden. From Your­tech, Jan Roel Wolters was present. They dis­cussed the project, which in­volved merg­ing the Pri­me­a­le Uni­ted fac­to­ry in Rid­derk­erk with the fac­to­ry in Din­telo­ord.

"This isn't a short-term game. The new lay­out is de­signed to last for years. That's the essence of strate­gic ef­fi­cien­cy."

The mo­ti­va­tion for the project was ef­fi­cien­cy. There were two fac­to­ries per­form­ing rough­ly the same op­er­a­tions. The pri­ma­ry ques­tion was whether it would be more prac­ti­cal, ef­fi­cient, and log­i­cal to op­er­ate from one lo­ca­tion. It wasn't a sim­ple cal­cu­la­tion. After an ex­ten­sive anal­y­sis, the con­clu­sion was clear. Merg­ing two fac­to­ries into one mega-op­er­a­tion in Din­telo­ord was not only in­ter­est­ing from an ef­fi­cien­cy stand­point but also for the fu­ture. This is not a short-term game. The new lay­out is de­signed to be sus­tain­able for years.

The col­lab­o­ra­tion be­tween Dapp, Your­tech, and Pri­me­a­le Uni­ted led to a re­mark­ably ef­fi­cient in­dus­tri­al re­lo­ca­tion:

  • Primeale Unit­ed as the con­nect­ing fac­tor: The role of Primeale Unit­ed in brain­storm­ing and stream­lin­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion be­tween dif­fer­ent teams.
  • Dapp's ex­per­ti­se: Dapp's years of ex­pe­ri­ence in lo­gis­ti­cal pro­cess­es and fac­to­ry lay­outs stream­lined the move.
  • Yourtech's in­no­va­tion: The tech­ni­cal ex­per­tise and com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills brought by Yourtech en­sured a smooth tran­si­tion of pro­duc­tion lines.
  • Ef­fi­cient pro­cess­es: A deep dive into meth­ods that made the com­plex re­lo­ca­tion not only faster but also cost-sav­ing.
  • Stun­ning re­sults: Data and facts that high­light the suc­cess of the in­dus­tri­al re­lo­ca­tion, in­clud­ing turn­around time, cost sav­ings, and cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion.
  • Team­work makes the dream work: How joint ef­forts and syn­er­gy were key to the un­prece­dent­ed suc­cess of this project.

Work­ing To­geth­er as One Dy­nam­ic Team

Ini­tial­ly, the project re­quired se­cre­cy to as­sess its po­ten­tial ben­e­fits, with mea­sure­ments and analy­ses con­duct­ed qui­et­ly. Only after ap­proval from the board was the team as­sem­bled.

"Big chal­lenges call for great team­work. Not a client-con­trac­tor dy­nam­ic, but pure, unadul­ter­at­ed col­lab­o­ra­tion."

John: "Often, you need time to get used to each other. We didn't need an hour for that. There was no client-con­trac­tor dy­nam­ic. It was a real col­lab­o­ra­tion where we felt 1: This is re­al­ly fun to do to­geth­er. 2: All par­ties are open to lis­ten­ing to each other. And 3: The plans we had and the plans al­ready made weren't set in stone. All par­ties were open to joint­ly make the most of the frame­work that was al­ready in place. And let's not for­get the crafts­man­ship. Your­tech and Dapp have shown that they can not only make plans but also ex­e­cute them to per­fec­tion."

Se­cre­cy Poses Chal­lenges in Ma­chin­ery Park Re­lo­ca­tions

Your­tech was in­volved early in the project to as­sess the needs for re­lo­cat­ing the ma­chin­ery park.

"Under the project name Set-up NL, time was re­served with ex­ter­nal par­ties."

Jan Roel: "Nor­mal­ly, we are in­volved only after the plans are fi­nal­ized, but in this case, we were brought in ear­li­er. Post­pon­ing the an­nounce­ment also posed a sig­nif­i­cant chal­lenge for us. To make the new lay­out fea­si­ble, tech­ni­cal mod­i­fi­ca­tions were nec­es­sary in Din­telo­ord. These tasks had to be out­sourced. And the time avail­able for these tasks was sig­nif­i­cant­ly re­duced due to the se­cre­cy. We had to re­serve time with var­i­ous par­ties with­out being able to share de­tails ini­tial­ly. Apart from that, ev­ery­thing went as planned."

Sup­port and Ac­cel­er­a­tion of the Mega Project

Feed­back from the shop floor was taken se­ri­ous­ly, en­sur­ing broad sup­port and ac­cel­er­a­tion of the project.

"Input from the shop floor? Cru­cial. It gave the project wings and sup­port."

Den­nis: "The plan was ad­just­ed due to the input from 'those stub­born peo­ple from Din­telo­ord and Rid­derk­erk'. This was a typ­i­cal point: We had ideas about it. And you had ideas about it. That was at the stage when peo­ple from the shop floor got in­volved. This led to ques­tions like 'Could it not be done this way or that way be­cause...' 'What would be the ef­fect if we do it this way or that?' The strength lies in lis­ten­ing to each other and se­ri­ous­ly con­sid­er­ing those ideas. This helped us re­al­ize that per­haps it was a bet­ter idea. Sub­se­quent­ly, we de­vel­oped it fur­ther."

The Web of Lo­gis­tics and Team­work

Jan Roel on the re­lo­ca­tion: "You are dis­man­tling a fac­to­ry in Rid­derk­erk, which is fully op­er­a­tional, and mov­ing it to a fac­to­ry in Din­telo­ord, which is also fully op­er­a­tional. And in the Din­telo­ord fac­to­ry, lines had to be moved. We kept re­mov­ing ma­chines and in­stalling them in the new fac­to­ry.

"In this com­plex lo­gis­ti­cal puz­zle, one piece was in­dis­pens­able: safe­ty."

Both the new and old fac­to­ries were not de­signed for this. With the dis­man­tling and re­build­ing, we had to nav­i­gate through ev­ery­thing and en­sure it caused min­i­mal dis­rup­tion to the peo­ple. Some spa­ces were re­pur­posed en­tire­ly. This made the in­dus­tri­al re­lo­ca­tion lo­gis­ti­cal­ly extra chal­leng­ing."

Peter Adds: "Safe­ty was al­ways the pri­or­i­ty. We had to im­ple­ment sev­er­al mea­sures for this. The op­er­a­tion had to be both food-safe and safe for the peo­ple in the vicin­i­ty. We en­coun­tered sit­u­a­tions where things be­came more dan­ger­ous than an­tic­i­pat­ed. The ac­tion was then stopped, dis­cussed, and ex­e­cut­ed dif­fer­ent­ly."

"It's pre­ci­sion work in terms of time, plan­ning, and the avail­able space. And it's not just about mov­ing the ma­chines, but also about bring­ing the en­tire team along. Be­cause ev­ery­one was aligned, we man­aged to com­plete the project smooth­ly, well with­in time, and with­in bud­get."

The Per­fect Ma­chin­ery Park Re­lo­ca­tion

John: "On time and with­in bud­get. An achieve­ment that 99 out of 100 sim­i­lar com­plex projects (by other par­ties) fail to ac­com­plish. Look­ing back, it sounds easy, but when you start on day one, it's a huge moun­tain to climb. We pro­fes­sion­al­ly dis­man­tled this moun­tain piece by piece, to­geth­er. And, im­por­tant­ly, re­built it. In hind­sight, it seems easy, but it was a tremen­dous­ly large op­er­a­tion in a very short time, and it went al­most flaw­less­ly."

"No over­ca­pac­i­ty, no room for er­rors. Yet, we pulled it off, flaw­less­ly and on sched­ule."

Den­nis: "Three months in an on­go­ing op­er­a­tion. At a cer­tain point, you no longer have over­ca­pac­i­ty. There­fore, de­lays were not an op­tion. The prod­uct plan­ning and ev­ery­thing be­hind it, like cus­tomers, out­sourc­ing, etc., all de­pend­ed tight­ly on the sched­ule. I think al­most no one no­ticed that we were mov­ing ma­chines. Be­sides, there was a tran­si­tion of peo­ple and their cul­ture. There were two dif­fer­ent work method­olo­gies, thoughts, and char­ac­ter­is­tics."

A Pic­ture is Worth a Thou­sand Words

Thanks to ad­vanced 2D and 3D imag­ing, the project could be vis­ual­ly ex­pe­ri­enced be­fore even a sin­gle ma­chine was moved. Den­nis con­tin­ues: "We cre­at­ed a sim­u­la­tion: Will ev­ery­thing fit? Can we process the vol­ume? Does the flow of goods run smooth­ly and safe­ly? What about the sup­ply of your prod­ucts to the line?"

"Fu­ture sce­nar­ios were also taken into ac­count. If you want to ex­pand the line, is there room for that? We con­sid­ered the attic, where pack­ag­ing ma­te­ri­als are now stored, which are trans­port­ed to the lines via a lift. In the fu­ture, you could think about au­tomat­ing from the attic to the pro­duc­tion lines. We brought all these el­e­ments to­geth­er with the help of dig­i­tal tools."

In­no­va­tive Team­work Strate­gies Mul­ti­plied

"We didn't nav­i­gate by in­tu­ition, but on an ocean of data."

John: "To de­scribe the col­lab­o­ra­tion with Dapp  and Your­tech urtech, the key­words I'd use are: high­ly pro­fes­sion­al, ex­per­tise in dis­cus­sions, and data-backed anal­y­sis. All ideas are test­ed against data. And not just a lit­tle data, but shiploads of it. The sim­u­la­tions made from it are then test­ed again. So, ev­ery­thing is data-driv­en and not plucked from thin air.

More­over, the start­ing point was the foun­da­tion to re­lease ideas from dif­fer­ent per­spec­tives and ex­per­tise. Treat­ing each other as part­ners, even more as col­leagues, made it pos­si­ble to com­plete such a task as a team. That was one of the big­gest rea­sons the project was a suc­cess. In fact... We've also en­gaged Dapp and Your­techfor our project in Africa. That says enough, I think."

"Ob­sta­cles? They were im­me­di­ate­ly smoothed out. No drama, only so­lu­tions."

Jan Roel: "It was a busy pe­ri­od, but the col­lab­o­ra­tion went very well. This made the pres­sure dur­ing the re­lo­ca­tion man­age­able. If there was an issue, it was solved. There were no major prob­lems. This was all due to good prepa­ra­tion and pleas­ant co­op­er­a­tion."

"Our joint en­er­gy took the project to a high­er level."

Den­nis: "Team­work was the ac­cel­er­a­tor. The plans we made and the ideas we ex­pressed re­ceived feed­back. This made the end re­sult bet­ter than what we could have achieved on our own or what Primeale could have done alone. We strength­ened each other, op­ti­miz­ing the final re­sult."

"That sim­u­la­tion wasn't nec­es­sar­i­ly planned."

Koen and David: "As we pro­gressed, we got very well at­tuned to each other. 'Oh, you can do this and this, can you also do...' This helped us bet­ter un­der­stand how they want­ed cer­tain things. As a re­sult, more came out of the project than we at Dapp had ini­tial­ly en­vi­sioned. The sim­u­la­tion, for ex­am­ple, wasn't nec­es­sar­i­ly planned. It was marked as 'maybe'. The way we even­tu­al­ly merged the lines could be fac­tu­al­ly sub­stan­ti­at­ed through the sim­u­la­tion model. That was very valu­able."

The final word is for Primeale Unit­ed:

John: "For such a large, or even a small­er project that in­volves plans like: In­ter­nal or ex­ter­nal in­dus­tri­al re­lo­ca­tions, or new foun­da­tion plates for lay­outs in fac­to­ries, I would rec­om­mend ev­ery­one to in­volve Your­tech  and Dapp ."

Peter: "To ex­e­cute these kinds of large projects prop­er­ly, you need two par­ties. Two par­ties that re­al­ly want to col­lab­o­rate and are open to each other. And for that, I couldn't wish for bet­ter part­ners."

9 Rea­sons to En­gage Dapp and Yourtech for Your In­dus­tri­al Re­lo­ca­tion:

  • Data-driv­en de­ci­sions: Dapp uses hard and fac­tu­al data to de­sign the most ef­fec­tive lay­out.
  • Space op­ti­miza­tion: Max­i­mum uti­liza­tion of every square meter for peak pro­duc­tiv­i­ty.
  • Flex­i­ble ap­proach: Need lay­out changes? No prob­lem. Dapp gen­er­ates your op­ti­mal lay­out.
  • Cost-sav­ing: A smart lay­out means less move­ment, lead­ing to lower op­er­a­tional costs.
  • Fu­tu­re-proof de­sign: Dapp en­sures you're ready for the fu­ture, whether it's ex­pan­sion, mod­i­fi­ca­tion, or tech­no­log­i­cal in­no­va­tion.
  • Com­plex ma­chines, no prob­lem: Your­tech has a track record of suc­cess­ful­ly re­lo­cat­ing ad­vanced in­dus­tri­al ma­chines and ma­chin­ery parks. You don't have to worry about ex­per­tise; they have it all.
  • From A to Z Ser­vice: Ev­ery­thing is taken care of, from dis­man­tling ma­chines to trans­port and in­stal­la­tion at the new lo­ca­tion, with the op­tion to out­source op­er­a­tional project man­age­ment. One point of con­tact, no has­sle.
  • Safe­ty first: Safe­ty pro­to­cols and qual­i­fied per­son­nel en­sure a risk-free move for both peo­ple and ma­chin­ery. All spe­cial­ists from both Dapp and Your­tech  are VCA cer­ti­fied.
  • Time ef­fi­cien­cy: The plan­ning is metic­u­lous­ly craft­ed. No de­lays, no un­ex­pect­ed costs. That's the prom­ise.

Do you want to re­lo­cate your ma­chin­ery park and/or cre­ate a fu­ture-proof fac­to­ry lay­out? Dapp &Your­tech can han­dle it. Con­tact them now!

Con­tact us