Projects page 4 | Dapp
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Since the found­ing of Dapp many projects have been suc­cess­ful­ly re­al­ized. Below you will find an over­view of some in­ter­est­ing ref­er­ence projects that we have com­plet­ed.


completed projects in dairy


completed projects in fresh produce


completed projects in food & beverage


completed projects in non-food & logistics
Facility Layout Solution at a cheese processor Dapp

Fa­cil­i­ty Lay­out So­lu­tion at a cheese pro­ces­sor

For a cheese pro­ces­sor in the Hoogeveen re­gion, Dapp car­ried out a Fa­cil­i­ty Lay­out So­lu­tion (FLS) in a few weeks. The as­sign­ment was to iden­ti­fy and quan­ti­fy ex­ist­ing and fu­ture re­quire­ments. By draw­ing up the nec­es­sary data sheets in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the client, an FLS model could be cre­at­ed that served as a basis for even­tu­al­ly work­ing out a num­ber of op­tions for the ex­pan­sion and re­design of the fac­to­ry. By using the FLS model, the best op­tion that suit­ed the cus­tomer's needs could be cho­sen in order to min­i­mize the ma­te­ri­al han­dling costs. For this pur­pose, in ad­di­tion to 2D im­ages, 3D im­ages were also cre­at­ed.


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