Non-Food & Logistics | Dapp
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projects - Non-Food & Lo­gis­tics

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Realisatie Packaging Optimalisation Pharma produer Dapp

Re­al­isatie Pack­ag­ing Op­ti­mal­i­sa­tion Phar­ma pro­duer

Dapp re­al­izes a tech­ni­cal and or­ga­ni­za­tion­al im­prove­ment of the total pack­ag­ing con­cept with­in the fac­to­ry of a vi­ta­min pro­duc­er in the Nether­lands. In ad­di­tion to an im­prove­ment in the lay­out of pro­duc­tion lines, flows of goods and walk­ing dis­tances, a clear link has been es­tab­lished be­tween plan­ning, stock lev­els and pro­duc­tion vol­umes.

Non-Food & Lo­gis­tics

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