Dairy | Dapp
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projects - Dairy

Pilot data analysis at a cheese processor Dapp

Pilot data anal­y­sis at a cheese pro­ces­sor

For a client in the cheese pro­cess­ing in­dus­try, Dapp par­tic­i­pat­ed in a pilot re­gard­ing data anal­y­sis. The client in­vit­ed Dapp to help solve a mild mold prob­lem in the ripen­ing process. The sus­pi­cions were that this prob­lem could be pinned down to a par­tic­u­lar sup­pli­er. Since the sup­pli­er was not the only vari­able (think also of tem­per­a­ture, lo­ca­tion, type of cheese, treat­ment plans, age, etc.), the client could not make sense of it this time. Through ex­ten­sive data anal­y­sis and sta­tis­tics Dapp was fi­nal­ly able to con­trib­ute with sta­tis­ti­cal­ly sup­port­ed con­clu­sions. These con­clu­sions were clear­ly pre­sent­ed in the nec­es­sary in­ter­ac­tive graphs, his­tograms and ta­bles. To­geth­er with a third party, a dash­board was de­vel­oped to mon­i­tor cer­tain trends and apply fil­ters.


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