Industrial Engineer | Dapp
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Va­can­cy: In­dus­tri­al En­gi­neer

The En­gi­neer­ing de­part­ment is in­volved in projects aimed at the pro­duc­tion and lo­gis­tics pro­cess­es of our cus­tomers. To­geth­er with the cus­tomer, you map out the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion and, to­geth­er with your col­leagues, you en­gi­neer it into the de­sired so­lu­tion. In ad­di­tion, you sup­port the cus­tomer dur­ing project re­al­iza­tion from start to com­ple­tion and you act as a spar­ring part­ner. Fur­ther­more, your core tasks con­sist of:

  • Col­lect­ing and an­a­lyz­ing process data, pro­duc­tion and lo­gis­tics pro­cess­es for the con­cept de­sign with re­gard to lay­out, pro­cess­ing and pack­ag­ing en­gi­neer­ing.
  • Pre­par­ing en­gi­neer­ing doc­u­ments such as PFDs, P&IDs, FDS, flow­charts, fac­to­ry and ware­house lay­outs, cal­cu­la­tions and spec­i­fi­ca­tions.
  • An­a­lyz­ing sketch­es and draw­ings which you im­prove and con­vert to as-built.
  • Work­ing with mod­ern soft­ware such as Au­to­Cad, Revit, Rhino, and Visio.

What do you bring?

  • A com­plet­ed HBO/WO ed­u­ca­tion in In­dus­tri­al En­gi­neer­ing, Chem­i­cal Tech­nol­o­gy, Me­chan­i­cal En­gi­neer­ing, Mecha­tron­ics and/or Sup­ply Chain Man­age­ment.
  • You have 2 to 6 years of rel­e­vant work ex­pe­ri­ence.
  • You have knowl­edge of / ex­pe­ri­ence with mod­ern soft­ware pro­grams.
  • Ex­pe­ri­ence with para­met­ric soft­ware is a plus.
  • You mas­ter the Dutch and Eng­lish lan­guage.
  • You rec­og­nize your­self in: crafts­man­ship, flex­i­ble, plan­ning and or­ga­niz­ing, ser­vice-ori­ent­ed, dig­i­tal and learn­ing abil­i­ty.

What do we offer you?

  • Ex­cel­lent em­ploy­ment con­di­tions that match your life­style, knowl­edge and ex­pe­ri­ence.
  • Top col­leagues where you are in­ten­sive­ly part of the project teams.
  • An en­vi­ron­ment where per­for­mance, growth and de­vel­op­ment are cen­tral.

Do you dare to come and work for us? Call Den­nis Bei­jaard or send your re­sume to in­fo@d­

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