Consultant / Projectmanager | Dapp
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Va­can­cy: Con­sul­tant / Project Man­ag­er

We are look­ing for an ex­pe­ri­enced Con­sul­tant / Project Man­ag­er who will help us solve the prob­lems of our cus­tomers. Are you a lo­gis­tics spe­cial­ist, do you have an affin­i­ty with data sci­ence and vi­su­al­iza­tion tech­nol­o­gy? Then we would like to get in touch.

What is the pur­pose of this role?

It is our mis­sion to en­sure (fu­ture) in­sight and move­ment in fac­to­ries. Our goal is to help fac­to­ries move for­ward in mak­ing the right op­er­a­tional and strate­gic de­ci­sions to­wards their chal­leng­ing fu­ture.

What do we ask of you?

An in­te­grat­ed view of fac­to­ries and ware­hous­es is in your DNA. Thanks to your knowl­edge of lo­gis­tics, data and vi­su­al­iza­tion, you can trans­late ideas into a de­sign and you like to roll up your sleeves to get the re­al­iza­tion done. You are the cus­tomer's per­son­al con­sul­tant / project man­ag­er to solve com­mon is­sues. 

You are not alone in this. We like to tack­le cus­tomer is­sues as a team. We give the cus­tomer in­sight into how their fac­to­ry is doing at the mo­ment. We do re­search, data anal­y­sis, sim­u­la­tion and vi­su­al­iza­tion with re­gard to lay­out is­sues, ware­house con­cepts, solv­ing bot­tle­necks, au­to­ma­tion and mech­a­niza­tion up to and in­clud­ing busi­ness cases, fu­ture sce­nario plan­ning and mas­ter plans. And of course not to for­get: the re­al­iza­tion it­self.

What do we offer you?

  • Good em­ploy­ment con­di­tions that match your knowl­edge and ex­pe­ri­ence.
  • Top col­leagues in an en­vi­ron­ment where per­for­mance, growth and de­vel­op­ment are cen­tral.

Do you dare to come and work for us? Call Den­nis Bei­jaard or send your CV to in­fo@d­

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