Factory drawings in order?

Drawing of a factory, both in 2D, 3D and schematically, is an important building block for making adjustments and optimizations to a factory. Yet keeping drawings up-to-date is often a burden, they are not current. This is often due to the fact that the daily operation is given priority. Problems need to be solved instantaneously where updating the drawings is postponed and ultimately not done. In itself a logical idea that the operation is given priority, until significant changes have to take place within the factory to production, building or logistics equipment. Where have those drawings gone?
A factory in one day in 3D, it's possible
This scenario is very recognizable to us in practice, in most cases drawing is outdated and recent changes have not been implemented. In other cases, there are almost no drawings at all. Updating these drawings can be a huge job, while often drawings with a reasonable precision are sufficient. Think, for example, of rearranging some production lines or expanding a warehouse. In some cases, it is even a concept 3D sketch to be able to convince management, board members or investors.
In these types of scenarios, having a 3D scan made of the factory offers a solution. The entire inside of a factory is scanned in (usually) one day using an infrared scanner. This results in a very nice digital environment to, for example, give a tour of the factory or bring in the picture when you discuss certain factory topics. But more importantly, the scan produces a point cloud to represent the 3D geometry. From this point cloud, the dimensions (length width, but also height) of walls, rooms, racks, stairs, docks, windows and more can be obtained. The point cloud is accurate to +/- 10 centimeters.
In the point cloud 3D geometry can be placed to arrive at a concept visualization of, for example, an extension, but more importantly, the point cloud is the perfect foundation to produce a basic 3D model. This basic 3D model includes all architectural elements such as the grid, walls, floors, roofs, windows, doors and stairs. Because the 3D scan has already taken almost all dimensions, measuring in the field is virtually no longer necessary.
This basic 3D model then offers a lot of possibilities. For example, various 3D renders and visualizations can be made of possible extensions, or the 2D floor plans can be removed from the model with 3 clicks, possibly supplemented with the colors from the point cloud! In addition, for example, the views, cross-sections and isometric views of the factory can also be extracted from the basic 3D model.
Keeping a factory's drawings up-to-date is often difficult for the aforementioned reasons. By means of a 3D scan, any backlog can be made up with minimal effort. The 'translation' to possibly 2D drawings is also relatively easy to do. You are up to date with all the drawings.
Want to know more about 3D and revision drawing? Let us know.