Fulfilment | Dapp
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Ful­fill­ment; in­creas­ing­ly im­por­tant

Ful­fill­ment can best be sum­ma­rized as the re­ceipt, stor­age, order pick­ing and prepa­ra­tion of or­ders. Any pro­duc­tion and as­sem­bly ac­tiv­i­ties are also part of ful­fil­ment. Typ­i­cal ful­fill­ment ac­tiv­i­ties are:

  • Ware­hous­ing; In­bound, stor­age and stock man­age­ment
  • Value added ser­vice; Order pro­cess­ing, as­sem­bly and in­stal­la­tion, qual­i­ty con­trol, (re)pack­ing and la­bel­ing, stock­ing, cus­tomer ser­vice, chain co­or­di­na­tion and cus­tomiza­tion
  • Dis­tri­bu­tion; Out­come, trans­port, track & trace and ex­port and cus­toms clear­ance
  • Re­turns; Re­turns pro­cess­ing, re­pair and re­cy­cling, mar­ket­places and auc­tions
  • ICT Sys­tem and chain link, re­port­ing and in­for­ma­tion


The de­mands placed on the qual­i­ty of ful­fill­ment are be­com­ing in­creas­ing­ly high­er. DAPP sup­ports food or­ga­ni­za­tions in im­prov­ing their per­for­mance. It has to be bet­ter, more, faster and if pos­si­ble at a lower cost. Fre­quent­ly oc­cur­ring needs of our re­la­tions are:

  • Mak­ing the lo­gis­tics op­er­a­tion far more flex­i­ble for con­tin­u­ous adap­ta­tion to changes in mar­ket­ing and sales (e-com­merce).
  • Sup­port­ing e-com­merce: from mul­ti­chan­nel to om­nichan­nel strat­e­gy (de­liv­ery any­time  - any­where).
  • Speed up the or­der­ing and de­liv­ery process (and thus short­en­ing the time to mar­ket).
  • Cor­rect de­sign of what must be car­ried out on the basis of ef­fi­cien­cy and cus­tomer-spe­cif­ic re­quire­ments.
  • Be able to re­spond to mar­ket/cus­tomer re­ac­tions and/or new trends and themes from with­in the op­er­a­tion.

Project-based ap­proach

Each or­ga­ni­za­tion is unique, which is why we do not have a stan­dard ap­proach, but we do have a prac­ti­cal ap­proach. We choose an ap­proach that suits your sit­u­a­tion. A typ­i­cal ap­proach con­tains the fol­low­ing el­e­ments:

  • Pre­lim­i­nary in­ves­ti­ga­tion dur­ing a few weeks;
  • In­ven­to­ry pro­cess­es & bot­tle­necks;
  • De­ter­min­ing the DNA of the or­ga­ni­za­tion;
  • Gain in­sight into im­prove­ment po­ten­tial;
  • Name ob­jec­tives such as pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, ef­fi­cien­cy, qual­i­ty;
  • Set up of Plan of Ap­proach (time/money/qual­i­ty + fea­si­bil­i­ty).

Ap­proach in 6 steps:

  1. Set up project phas­ing;
  2. De­ter­min­ing lead time (de­pend­ing on project size and com­plex­i­ty);
  3. Set­ting up the project team with project lead­er from DAPP;
  4. Ex­e­cu­tion in project form to achieve set de­liv­er­ables;
  5. Audit phase when nec­es­sary;
  6. Check­ing the ap­pli­ca­tion and mak­ing ad­just­ments.

Ful­fill­ment, what's in it for you?

The Ful­fill­ment projects we do for our clients have re­sult­ed in:

  • Ef­fi­cien­cy through smarter use of fore­cast and other tools;
  • Lower sup­ply chain costs from ware­house to for­ward­ing;
  • Ca­pac­i­ty im­prove­ment by bet­ter stream­lin­ing the de­ploy­ment from as­sort­ment de­ter­mi­na­tion to order pick­ing;
  • In­sight into the op­er­a­tional / Value Added Ser­vices chain and thus ob­tain max­i­mum con­trol.


We look for­ward to achiev­ing these re­sults to­geth­er with you! Are you in­ter­est­ed in the pos­si­bil­i­ties of Ful­fill­ment? 

Call us for a no-obli­ga­tion ap­point­ment with Den­nis Bei­jaard via 0345 - 50 52 56 or send an email to in­fo@d­app.nl.

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