Logistics | Dapp
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With­in food fac­to­ries, the knowl­edge areas of lo­gis­tics and sup­ply chain are a sep­a­rate spe­cial­iza­tion with their own dy­nam­ics. The lo­gis­tics world is in a state of flux: tech­no­log­i­cal de­vel­op­ments are rapid and there is a great deal of in­no­va­tion going on in the field of ware­hous­ing, ma­te­ri­al han­dling and au­to­ma­tion. This re­quires up-to-date knowl­edge, vi­sion and ex­pe­ri­ence, be­cause which so­lu­tions can best be ap­plied in which sit­u­a­tion?

In ad­di­tion to re­al­iz­ing the fac­to­ry lay­out and ware­house mech­a­niza­tion and/or au­to­ma­tion, com­mu­ni­ca­tion and col­lab­o­ra­tion are very im­por­tant in the fac­to­ry world. Lo­gis­tics can be found with­in every link with­in the fac­to­ry, but also out­side of it. What­ev­er your chal­lenge, you need to find the bal­ance be­tween two di­ver­gent ob­jec­tives: min­i­mum cost for the fac­to­ry and max­i­mum ser­vice to your cus­tomers. Lo­gis­tics can­not be seen sep­a­rate­ly from pro­duc­tion and tech­nol­o­gy.

All this re­quires spe­cial­ized project man­agers who know the world of fac­to­ry lo­gis­tics through and through, speak the lan­guage and can su­per­vise a project op­ti­mal­ly. Thanks to our many years of ex­pe­ri­ence in the field of lo­gis­tics, at Dapp we have knowl­edge of mas­ter plan­ning, set­ting up your ware­house, au­to­ma­tion & mech­a­niza­tion and draw­ing up busi­ness cases, among other things.

Cu­ri­ous what Dapp can do for your com­pa­ny in the area of lo­gis­tics?

Con­tact us via +31(0)345 50 52 56.


Al­ready in­­ter­est­ed in how we con­duct a lo­gis­ti­cal study? Above you can down­load the cor­re­spond­ing prod­uct sheet here!

Do you want to know what other ser­vices Dapp has to offer? Take a look at our pages about in­dus­tri­al en­gi­neer­ing en project man­age­ment.
